Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh, so what a week! (Sorry Sarah!) It has made me very appreciative of water! For nearly two weeks we have been out of or very low on water as the pump has been down and other variables. It is amazing how much of our life hinges on water! Doing dishes was limited, so much that I started using paper plates. It was one time that I was thankful that we have been given soooo much clothes, as doing laundry came to a stand still. But think how much 2-3 loads a day adds up after a week! Yikes!! Then showers are limited too. I was soooo happy when they finally had that pump up and running! I ran down to do a load of laundry, and guess what, it isn't working! So I have been running loads over to moms.
Oh the joys!!!
Also, we are having some trying times with poor Brittana. Poor, sweet Brittana is having problems with kids at school. She had a girl hit her and a boy throw a rock at her and she hasn't made any friends. After all our moves, this is the first time she hasn't made friends. What do you do? You can't force someone to be friends with her, and I don't want her to settle for just any friend or feel that she has to be different to get a friend....but my heart breaks for her. I've been there, and it is not fun. I talked to her teacher about it, she said it is a bad bunch of girls that are just mean to each other and she is talking to them about it. I guess the comforting thing is that it is not just her, there are others coming to the teacher with the same problem. It is so sad how kids will treat each other some times!

As for our house..or should I say mom and dads house...coming along. I have some touch ups on mudding, then I should be priming that upstairs room shortly!!! Yeah! And the bathroom walls should be coming out any day now. (I thought it was going to be last night, and I did notice a new hole in the wall this morning, like they thought about it or something?!) Anyhow, things are going to be a little different when that comes out and the renos may move a little quicker. I will be sure to take some photos to post, as soon as I get them off my camera ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating your blog!! *lol* Don't wait to long till you post again or I might have to harrass you some more :)

Yippee for water! I swear that washer breaks down more than any other I have ever seen. That or people just get fed up after one or two times and go buy a new one :) Hopefully it gets going soon so you can get caught up with laundry. If we were closer I would say bring it here, but it probably isn't practical to drag you laundry 35mins to Raymond *lol*

Awww... poor Tana! I can't beleive how mean kids can be! I really feel for her. Hugs!

Removing that big, heavy window!

Wall wide open, the Pics just don't do it justice!

The north wall, startng the demolition

Corner of the upstairs room

My temporary flooring!

some close-ups


Kaden's impression of Erick, pretty good huh!